Image-browser taxonomy and guidelines for designers

TitleImage-browser taxonomy and guidelines for designers
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsPlaisant C, Carr D, Shneiderman B
JournalIEEE Software
Pagination21 - 32
Date Published1995/03//
ISBN Number0740-7459
Keywordsanalysis, Computer Graphics, design, designer guidelines, Equations, Europe, Evaluation, Formal specifications, Graphical user interfaces, Guidelines, IMAGE PROCESSING, image-browser taxonomy, informal specification technique, Laboratories, large image browsing, Layout, Road transportation, selected image exploration, SHAPE, Software design, task taxonomy, Taxonomy, tools, two-dimensional browsing, user interface management systems, visual databases

In many applications users must browse large images. Most designers merely use two one-dimensional scroll bars or ad hoc designs for two-dimensional scroll bars. However, the complexity of two-dimensional browsing suggests that more careful analysis, design, and evaluation might lead to significant improvements. Our exploration of existing 2D browsers has led us to identify many features and a wide variety of tasks performed with the browsers. We introduce an informal specification technique to describe 2D browsers and a task taxonomy, suggest design features and guidelines, and assess existing strategies. We focus on the tools to explore a selected image and so do not cover techniques to browse a series of images or to browse large-image databases
