Don Perlis
Professor Emeritus
4156 Iribe Center
(301) 405-2685
(301) 405-2685
Ph.D., New York University (Mathematics) and Ph.D., University of Rochester (Computer Science)
Don Perlis is a professor emeritus of computer science in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies.
His research centers on artificial intelligence, particularly commonsense reasoning, autonomous systems that can adapt to new situations, and the philosophical aspects of language, mind and consciousness. Perlis aims to develop AI that learns from mistakes and handles everyday challenges with human-like flexibility.
Go here to view Perlis's academic publications on Google Scholar.
1990. Limited scope and circumscriptive reasoning. International Journal of Expert Systems. 3(3):207-217.
1989. Assessing others' knowledge and ignorance. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems.
1989. Some Brief Essays on Mind.
1989. Explicitly biased generalization. Computational Intelligence. 5(2):67-81.
1989. Truth and meaning (research note). Artificial intelligence. 39(2):245-250.
1988. Uniform accountability for multiple modes of reasoning. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2(3):233-246.
1988. Commonsense set theory. Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection. :87-98.
1988. Autocircumscription. Artificial Intelligence. 36(2):223-236.
1988. Languages with self-reference II : Knowledge, belief, and modality. Artificial Intelligence. 34(2):179-212.
1987. How can a program mean. Proceedings of the 10th Int'l Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. :163-166.
1987. Life on a desert island. Proc. Workshop on The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence. :349-357.
1987. Circumscription as introspection. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Methodologies for intelligent systems. :440-444.
1987. Circumscribing with sets. Artificial Intelligence. 31(2):201-211.
1987. Proving self-utterances. Journal of Automated Reasoning. 3(3):329-338.
1986. A Parallel Self-Modifying Default Reasoning System. AAAI. :923-927.
1986. Intentionality as internality. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 9(01):151-152.
1986. On the consistency of commonsense reasoning. Computational Intelligence. 2(1):180-190.
1986. A preliminary excursion into step-logics. Proceedings of the ACM SIGART international symposium on Methodologies for intelligent systems -. :262-269.
1986. Step-logics: An alternative approach to limited reasoning. Proceedings of the European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence. :160-163.
1986. Completeness results for circumscription. Artificial Intelligence. 28(1):29-42.
1986. Self-reference, knowledge, belief, and modality. Proc 5th National Conference on AI. :416-420.
1985. Languages with self-reference I: Foundations. Artificial Intelligence. 25(3):301-322.
1985. Computing protected circumscription. The Journal of Logic Programming. 2(4):235-249.
1984. Non-monotonicity and real-time reasoning. AAAI Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
1984. Protected circumscription. Proc. Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning. :337-343.
1984. Applications or Protected Circumscription. 7th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Napa, California, USA, May 14-16, 1984: proceedings. 170:414-414.
1981. A re-evaluation of story grammars*. Cognitive Science. 5(1):79-86.
1977. Utility Functions, Public Goods, and Income Redistribution. Public Finance Review. 5(1):9-22.
1976. An application of compiler simulation at the source language level. The Computer Journal. 19(1):90-90.
1976. Group algebras and model theory. Illinois journal of mathematics. 20(2):298-305.
1972. An extension of Ackermann's set theory. Journal of Symbolic Logic. 37(4):703-704.