Elastic windows: improved spatial layout and rapid multiple window operations

TitleElastic windows: improved spatial layout and rapid multiple window operations
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsKandogan E, Shneiderman B
Conference NameProceedings of the workshop on Advanced visual interfaces
Date Published1996///
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number0-89791-834-7
KeywordsCAD, elastic windows, multi-window operations, personal role manager, programming environment, task switching, window manager

Most windowing systems follow the independent overlapping windows approach, which emerged as an answer to the needs of the 80s' application and technology. Advances in computers, display technology, and the applications demand more functionality from window management systems. Based on these changes and the problems of current windowing appraoches, we have updated the requirements for multiwindow systems to guide new methods of window management. We propose elastic windows with improved spatial layout and rapid multi-window operations. Multi-window operations are achieved by issuing operations on window groups hierachically organized in a space-filling tiled layout. Sophisticated multi-window operations and spatial layout dynamics helps users to handle fast task-switching and to structure thier work environment to their rapidly changing needs. We claim that these multi-window operations and the improved spatial layout decrease the cognitive load on users. Users found our prototype system to be comprehensible and enjoyable as they playfully explored the way multiple windows are reshaped.
