Evaluating multiple coordinated windows for programming workstations

TitleEvaluating multiple coordinated windows for programming workstations
Publication TypeJournal Articles
Year of Publication1983
AuthorsShneiderman B, GRANTHAM C, Norman K, ROGERS J, Roussopoulos N
JournalNASA. Goddard Space Flight Center Proc. of the Eighth Ann. Software Eng. Workshop 11 p(SEE N 84-23137 13-61)
Date Published1983///

Programmers might benefit from larger screens with multiple windows or multiple screens, especially if convenient coordination among screens are arranged. Uses for multiple coordinated displays in a programmers workstation are explored. Initial efforts focus on the potential applications, a command language for coordinating the displays, and the psychological basis for effective utilization so as to avoid information overload. Subsequent efforts will be devoted to implementing the concepts and performing controlled psychologically oriented experiments to validate the hypotheses.