EventGraphs: Charting Collections of Conference Connections

TitleEventGraphs: Charting Collections of Conference Connections
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsHansen D, Smith MA, Shneiderman B
Conference Name2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
Date Published2011/01/04/7
ISBN Number978-1-4244-9618-1
Keywordsconference connections, Conferences, Data visualization, EventGraphs, hashtag, measurement, Media, message identification, multimedia computing, NodeXL, Real time systems, social media network diagrams, social networking (online), Twitter

EventGraphs are social media network diagrams of conversations related to events, such as conferences. Many conferences now communicate a common "hashtag" or keyword to identify messages related to the event. EventGraphs help make sense of the collections of connections that form when people follow, reply or mention one another and a keyword. This paper defines EventGraphs, characterizes different types, and shows how the social media network analysis add-in NodeXL supports their creation and analysis. The structural patterns to look for in EventGraphs are highlighted and design ideas for their improvement are discussed.
