Experimental testing in programming languages, stylistic considerations and design techniques

TitleExperimental testing in programming languages, stylistic considerations and design techniques
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication1975
AuthorsShneiderman B
Conference NameProceedings of the May 19-22, 1975, national computer conference and exposition
Date Published1975///
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA

In the early stages of the development of high-level languages, radically differing alternatives were often promulgated. Each language had a dedicated corps of adherents who advocated the primacy of their facility. Turbulent debates among the protagonists were a common affair at conferences and in the trade journals. Now as the field matures, the vehement discussions have subsided and there is a widespread recognition of the usefulness of a variety of languages. Even the proponents of a single universal language have softened their tone and have accepted the multiple language condition.
