The state of visual analytics: Views on what visual analytics is and where it is going

TitleThe state of visual analytics: Views on what visual analytics is and where it is going
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsMay R, Hanrahan P, Keim DA, Shneiderman B, Card S
Conference Name2010 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
Date Published2010/10/25/26
ISBN Number978-1-4244-9488-0
Keywordsanalytical reasoning, Data analysis, data mining, data visualisation, European VisMaster program, interactive visual interfaces, knowledge discovery, United States, visual analytics, VisWeek community

In the 2005 publication "Illuminating the Path" visual analytics was defined as "the science of analytical reasoning facilitated by interactive visual interfaces." A lot of work has been done in visual analytics over the intervening five years. While visual analytics started in the United States with a focus on security, it is now a worldwide research agenda with a broad range of application domains. This is evidenced by efforts like the European VisMaster program and the upcoming Visual Analytics and Knowledge Discovery (VAKD) workshop, just to name two.There are still questions concerning where and how visual analytics fits in the large body of research and applications represented by the VisWeek community. This panel will present distinct viewpoints on what visual analytics is and its role in understanding complex information in a complex world. The goal of this panel is to engender discussion from the audience on the emergence and continued advancement of visual analytics and its role relative to fields of related research. Four distinguished panelists will provide their perspective on visual analytics focusing on what it is, what it should be, and thoughts about a development path between these two states. The purpose of the presentations is not to give a critical review of the literature but rather to give a review on the field and to provide a contextual perspective based on the panelists' years of experience and accumulated knowledge.
