Visualization methods for personal photo collections: browsing and searching in the PhotoFinder

TitleVisualization methods for personal photo collections: browsing and searching in the PhotoFinder
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsKang H, Shneiderman B
Conference Name2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000. ICME 2000
Date Published2000///
ISBN Number0-7803-6536-4
KeywordsBrowsing, Computer science, digital photo library, Displays, drag-and-drop interface, dynamic query, Educational institutions, Filters, Histograms, Image retrieval, personal computing, personal photo collections, photo collection management, PhotoFinder, Prototypes, query preview, scatter plot thumbnail display, Scattering, searching, software libraries, software tools, User interfaces, visual Boolean query interfaces, visual databases, Visualization, visualization methods

Software tools for personal photo collection management are proliferating, but they usually have limited searching and browsing functions. We implemented the PhotoFinder prototype to enable non-technical users of personal photo collections to search and browse easily. PhotoFinder provides a set of visual Boolean query interfaces, coupled with dynamic query and query preview features. It gives users powerful search capabilities. Using a scatter plot thumbnail display and drag-and-drop interface, PhotoFinder is designed to be easy to use for searching and browsing photos
