Larry Davis
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
2252 Iribe Center
(301) 405-6718
Research Group(s):
Ph.D., University of Maryland
Special Awards/Honors:
IAPR Fellow, IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow
Larry S. Davis is a Distinguished University Professor Emeritus in the Department of Computer Science and former director of the Center for Automation Research (CfAR).
His research focuses on object/action recognition/scene analysis, event and modeling recognition, image and video databases, tracking, human movement modeling, 3-D human motion capture, and camera networks.
Davis is also affiliated with the Computer Vision Laboratory in CfAR. He served as chair of the Department of Computer Science from 1999 to 2012.
He received his doctorate from the University of Maryland in 1976. He was named an IAPR Fellow, an IEEE Fellow, and ACM Fellow.
Go here to view Davis's academic publications on Google Scholar.
2012. Submodular Dictionary Learning for Sparse Coding. IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
2012. Class consistent k-means: Application to face and action recognition. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 116(6):730-741.
2012. Density-Based Multifeature Background Subtraction with Support Vector Machine. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 34(5):1017-1023.
2012. Recognizing Human Actions by Learning and Matching Shape-Motion Prototype Trees. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 34(3):533-547.
2012. Face Identification Using Large Feature Sets. Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on. 21(4):2245-2255.
2011. Smart task-driven video collection. 11/649,393(7961215)
2011. Image ranking and retrieval based on multi-attribute queries. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference on. :801-808.
2011. A case for query by image and text content: searching computer help using screenshots and keywords. Proceedings of the 20th international conference on World wide web. :775-784.
2011. A large-scale benchmark dataset for event recognition in surveillance video. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference on. :3153-3160.
2011. Multi-agent event recognition in structured scenarios. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference on. :3289-3296.
2011. Vehicle Detection Using Partial Least Squares. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 33(6):1250-1265.
2011. Kernel PLS regression for robust monocular pose estimation. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2011 IEEE Computer Society Conference on. :24-30.
2011. Piecing together the segmentation jigsaw using context. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference on. :2001-2008.
2011. A case for query by image and text content: searching computer help using screenshots and keywords. Proceedings of the 20th international conference on World wide web. :775-784.
2011. Creating contextual help for GUIs using screenshots. Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology. :145-154.
2011. Learning a discriminative dictionary for sparse coding via label consistent K-SVD. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference on. :1697-1704.
2011. Local Response Context Applied to Pedestrian Detection. Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications. :181-188.
2011. Object Detection and Tracking for Intelligent Video Surveillance. Multimedia Analysis, Processing and Communications. :265-288.
2011. Birdlets: Subordinate categorization using volumetric primitives and pose-normalized appearance. Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. :161-168.
2011. Face verification using large feature sets and one shot similarity. Biometrics (IJCB), 2011 International Joint Conference on. :1-8.
2011. AVSS 2011 demo session: A large-scale benchmark dataset for event recognition in surveillance video. Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2011 8th IEEE International Conference on. :527-528.
2011. A novel feature descriptor based on the shearlet transform. Image Processing (ICIP), 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on. :1033-1036.
2011. Action recognition using Partial Least Squares and Support Vector Machines. Image Processing (ICIP), 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on. :533-536.
2010. Learning what and how of contextual models for scene labeling. Computer Vision–ECCV 2010. :199-212.
2010. Multi-Camera Tracking with Adaptive Resource Allocation. International Journal of Computer Vision. :1-14.
2010. Advanced tracking systems: computational approaches to be introduced to new series. Augmented vision & reality. 1
2010. A tree-based approach to integrated action localization, recognition and segmentation. ECCV Workshops.
2010. Partial least squares on graphical processor for efficient pattern recognition. Technical Reports of the Computer Science Department.
2010. Web-scale computer vision using MapReduce for multimedia data mining. Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining. :9:1–9:10-9:1–9:10.
2010. A robust and scalable approach to face identification. Computer Vision–ECCV 2010. :476-489.
2010. Shape analysis and its applications in image understanding. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. 32(4):604-618.
2010. Shape-based human detection and segmentation via hierarchical part-template matching. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 32(4):604-618.
2009. Assigning cameras to subjects in video surveillance systems. Robotics and Automation, 2009. ICRA '09. IEEE International Conference on. :837-843.
2009. Probabilistic fusion-based parameter estimation for visual tracking. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 113(4):435-445.
2009. System and method for fast illumination-invariant background subtraction .... 11/282,513(7512250)
2009. Combining multiple kernels for efficient image classification. Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2009 Workshop on. :1-8.
2009. Segmentation using appearance of mesostructure roughness. International journal of computer vision. 83(3):248-273.
2009. Action recognition based on human movement characteristics. Motion and Video Computing, 2009. WMVC '09. Workshop on. :1-8.
2009. Video Compression and Retrieval of Moving Object Location Applied to Surveillance. Image Analysis and Recognition. :906-916.
2009. Concurrent transition and shot detection in football videos using Fuzzy Logic. Image Processing (ICIP), 2009 16th IEEE International Conference on. :4341-4344.
2009. Multiple instance Feature for robust part-based object detection. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE Conference on. :405-412.
2009. Object detection via boosted deformable features. Image Processing (ICIP), 2009 16th IEEE International Conference on. :1445-1448.
2009. Scene it or not? incremental multiple kernel learning for object detection Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision.
2009. Human detection using partial least squares analysis. Computer Vision, 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on. :24-31.
2009. PERCEPTION AND NAVIGATION FOR AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES. IEEE Transactions on intelligent transportation systems. 10(3):417-427.
2009. Robust human detection under occlusion by integrating face and person detectors. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances in Biometrics. :970-979.
2009. Recognizing actions by shape-motion prototype trees. Computer Vision, 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on. :444-451.
2009. Probabilistic graphical models. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence. 31(10):1775-1789.
2009. Incremental Multiple Kernel Learning for object recognition. Computer Vision, 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on. :638-645.
2009. Learning Discriminative Appearance-Based Models Using Partial Least Squares. Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI), 2009 XXII Brazilian Symposium on. :322-329.
2009. Observing Human-Object Interactions: Using Spatial and Functional Compatibility for Recognition. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 31(10):1775-1789.
2009. A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework and a Comparative Study for Human Detectors. Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 10(3):417-427.
2009. Visual Tag. 12/533,231
2009. Understanding videos, constructing plots learning a visually grounded storyline model from annotated videos. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE Conference on. :2012-2019.
2009. Visual Tracking by Continuous Density Propagation in Sequential Bayesian Filtering Framework. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 31(5):919-930.
2008. Human detection using iterative feature selection and logistic principal component analysis. Robotics and Automation, 2008. ICRA 2008. IEEE International Conference on. :1691-1697.
2008. Constraint Integration for Efficient Multiview Pose Estimation with Self-Occlusions. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on. 30(3):493-506.
2008. Tracking Down Under: Following the Satin Bowerbird. Applications of Computer Vision, 2008. WACV 2008. IEEE Workshop on. :1-7.
2008. UMD_VDT, an Integration of Detection and Tracking Methods for Multiple Human Tracking. Multimodal Technologies for Perception of Humans. :179-190.
2008. Event modeling and recognition using markov logic networks. Computer Vision–ECCV 2008. :610-623.
2008. Automatic online tuning for fast Gaussian summation. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
2008. A general method for sensor planning in multi-sensor systems: Extension to random occlusion. International Journal of Computer Vision. 76(1):31-52.
2008. Learning pairwise dissimilarity profiles for appearance recognition in visual surveillance. Advances in Visual Computing. :23-34.
2008. A pose-invariant descriptor for human detection and segmentation. Computer Vision–ECCV 2008. :423-436.
2008. Multi-resolution Tracking in Space and Time. Computer Vision, Graphics Image Processing, 2008. ICVGIP '08. Sixth Indian Conference on. :352-358.
2008. Resource allocation for tracking multiple targets using particle filters. The Eighth International Workshop on Visual Surveillance.
2008. A Logic Framework for Sports Video Summarization Using Text-Based Semantic Annotation. Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization, 2008. SMAP '08. Third International Workshop on. :69-75.
2008. A “Shape Aware” Model for semi-supervised Learning of Objects and its Context. Proc. of NIPS.
2008. Decentralized discovery of camera network topology. Distributed Smart Cameras, 2008. ICDSC 2008. Second ACM/IEEE International Conference on. :1-10.
2008. Beyond nouns: Exploiting prepositions and comparative adjectives for learning visual classifiers. Computer Vision–ECCV 2008. :16-29.