Smart videoconferencing

TitleSmart videoconferencing
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsZotkin DN, Duraiswami R, Philomin V, Davis LS
Conference Name2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2000. ICME 2000
Date Published2000///
ISBN Number0-7803-6536-4
Keywordsacoustical processing, Automatic control, CAMERAS, computerised control, control software, Control systems, Intelligent sensors, Layout, Microphones, multi-camera multi-microphone set-up, multimedia systems, Protocols, prototype implementation, Prototypes, sensor fusion, smart videoconferencing, Switches, Teleconferencing, unattended videoconferencing, video processing

The combination of acoustical and video processing to achieve a smart audio and video feed from a set of N microphones and M cameras is a task that might conventionally be accomplished by camera persons and control room staff. However, in the context of videoconferencing, this process needs to be performed by control software. We discuss the use of a multi-camera multi-microphone set-up for unattended videoconferencing, and present details of a prototype implementation being developed

DOI10.1109/ICME.2000.871075(link is external)