Journal Articles


Leparc GG, Mitra RD, Vardhanabhuti S, Wang J, Hannenhalli S, Smit S, et al. COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY. Nucleic acids research. 2007;35(9-12):3163.
Martinez V, Simari GI, Sliva A, V.S. Subrahmanian. Computational cultural dynamics. IEEE intelligent systems. 2008;23(4):51-57.
Ramanathan N, Chellappa R, Biswas S. Computational methods for modeling facial aging: A survey. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing. 2009;20(3):131-144.
Ruppin E, Horn D, Levy N, Reggia JA. Computational studies of synaptic alterations in Alzheimer’s disease. Neural modeling of brain and cognitive disorders. 1996:63-87.
Lavi J, Agrawala AK, Buhr R, Jackson K, Jackson M, Lang B. Computer based systems engineering workshop. Software Engineering Education. 1991:149-163.
Lee C, Varshney A. Computing and displaying intermolecular negative volume for docking. Scientific visualization: the visual extraction of knowledge from data. 2006;I:49-64.
De Floriani L, Panozzo D, Hui A. Computing and visualizing a graph-based decomposition for non-manifold shapes. Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition. 2009:62-71.
Khuller S, Martinez M, Nau DS, Sliva A, Simari G, Subrahmanian V. Computing most probable worlds of action probabilistic logic programs: scalable estimation for 10^30,000 worlds. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence. 2007;51(2):295-331.
Varshney A, Brooks, F.P. J., Wright WV. Computing smooth molecular surfaces. Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE. 1994;14(5):19-25.
Sidhu T, Klavans J, Jimmy Lin. Concept disambiguation for improved subject access using multiple knowledge sources. Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage Data (LaTeCH 2007). 2007:25.
Dorr BJ, Voss C, Peterson E, Kiker M. Concept-based lexical selection. Proceedings of the AAAI-94 Fall Symposium on Knowledge Representation for Natural Language Processing in Implemented Systems. 1994.
Roussopoulos N, Karagiannis D. Conceptual modeling: past, present and the continuum of the future. Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and Applications. 2009:139-152.
Consolvo S, Harrison B, Smith I, Chen MY, Everitt K, Froehlich J, et al. Conducting In Situ Evaluations for and With Ubiquitous Computing Technologies. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 2007;22(1-2):103-118.
desJardins M, MacGlashan J, Wagstaff KL. Confidence-based feature acquisition to minimize training and test costs. Proceedings of the SIAM Conference on Data Mining. 2010;76(373):514-524.
Stantchev G, Juba D, Dorland W, Varshney A. Confluent Volumetric Visualization of Gyrokinetic Turbulence. Plasma Science, IEEE Transactions on. 2008;36(4):1112-1113.
Xie B, Druin A, Fails J, Massey S, Golub E, Franckel S, et al. Connecting generations: developing co-design methods for older adults and children. Behaviour & Information Technology. 2010;99999(1):1-11.
